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Managing Technical Debt: Tradeoff between Speed and Long-Term Sustainability

DGraphTech | Managing Technical Debt: Tradeoff between Speed and Long-Term Sustainability
Photo by Ehud Neuhaus on Unsplash

Technical debt is a concept that has become increasingly important in software development over the past few decades. In essence, it refers to the trade-off between delivering software quickly and maintaining its long-term sustainability. Just as financial debt can accumulate over time and can become a burden, technical debt too if it is not managed effectively.

In this blog post, we will explore the concept of technical debt and provide some best practices for managing it. We will begin by defining technical debt and explaining why it is important to manage it effectively. We will then explore some common causes of technical debt and provide some strategies for reducing and avoiding it. Finally, we will discuss some best practices for balancing the need for speed with long-term sustainability in software development.

What is Technical Debt?

Technical debt refers to the cost of maintaining and supporting software that was built quickly and without regard for its long-term sustainability. Just as financial debt accumulates over time and accrues interest, technical debt accumulates as developers take shortcuts or make compromises that result in suboptimal design and code quality. That results that the code is difficult to maintain, modify, or extend. This can lead to a situation where the cost of maintaining and supporting the software is much higher than it would have been if the software had been built with sustainability in mind from the beginning.

What causes Technical Debt?

There are many factors that can contribute to the accumulation of technical debt. Here are a few common causes:

Rush to Meet Deadlines

One of the most common causes of technical debt is the pressure to meet deadlines. If a development team is under pressure to deliver software quickly, they may take shortcuts or make compromises that result in suboptimal code quality. While this may allow them to meet the deadline, it can lead to a situation where the cost of maintaining and supporting the software is much higher than it would have been if the software had been built with sustainability in mind from the beginning.

Lack of Planning

Another common cause of technical debt is a lack of planning. If a development team does not take the time to carefully plan out the architecture and design of their software, they may end up with design/code that is difficult to maintain or extend.

Working in Silos

Poor communication between dev team members can also contribute to the accumulation of technical debt. If developers are not communicating effectively with each other, cross functional team members or with stakeholders, they may end up making design decisions that are not optimal for the long-term sustainability of the product.

Lack of DevSecOps adoption and right SDLC tooling

Finally, a lack of DevSecOps adoption and not to incorporate right tooling to automate testing, code scanning, code reviews etc., can also contribute to the accumulation of technical debt. If developers do not have a robust code review process, automated testing suite in place, they may introduce defects that are not caught until much later in the development cycle. This can lead to a situation where the cost of fixing defects is much higher than it would have been if the defects had been caught earlier in the development process. This also degrades morale of the developers as they spend more hours to manage and fix the defects.

Why is Technical Debt Important to Manage?

Managing technical debt is important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, technical debt can be a major drain on productivity and resources. If developers are spending all their time fixing defects and maintaining legacy code, they will have less time to work on new features and improvements.

In addition, technical debt can lead to higher costs and longer development times. If code is poorly designed or difficult to modify, it may take much longer to add new features or make changes to the software. This can result in missed deadlines, higher costs, and a negative impact on the development team morale and job satisfaction. If they are constantly working with suboptimal code or struggling to fix defects that could have been avoided with better design decisions, they may become frustrated and demotivated. This can lead to higher turnover rates and a less productive team.

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